Ouai Stéphane, rezydent #Goyki3, zaprasza do udziału w prezentacji projektu poprzez instrumenty DIY. Spotkanie będzie prowadzone w języku angielskim.
Prezentacja projektu
Prezentacja uczestników
Omówienie każdego z instrumentów DIY
Krótka prezentacja programu Ableton Live i jego powiązania z instrumentami
Nagrywanie próbek i odtwarzanie ich z instrumentami w celu stworzenia utworu
Bezpłatne bilety uczestnictwa: https://app.evenea.pl/event/ouaistephanediy/
Ouai Stéphane, resident of #Goyki3, invites you to participate in a meeting – discovery of Ouai Stéphane’s project through DIY instruments. The class will be conducted in English.
Presentation of the project
Presentation of the participants
Explanation of each DIY instruments
Demonstration of each DIY instruments
Brief presentation of Ableton Live and its relation to the instruments
Recording of samples and playing them back with the instruments to create a track
Free tickets: https://app.evenea.pl/event/ouaistephanediy/
Multi-instrumentalist graduated from the prestigious master’s degree in „Music and MediaTechnologies” of Trinity College, Dublin, Ouai Stéphane (literally Yeah Stéphane) has been exploring the bowels of Ableton for years as well as designing his own MIDI instruments in order to send out a simple message: anyone can make music with anything. His fascination for bridges between art and technology was the starting point of a crazy and creative DIY project, in which he diverts the school codes of musical creation by using electroacoustic techniques and technological innovations to compose deeply festive andgenerous music. Cinematic, powerful and full of groove, his music oscillates between influences from SteveReich to Vengaboys, as well as the Chemical Brothers and Kylie Minogue. His vision of aquirky and nihilistic world, shared throughout his social networks, makes him a true pure andsincere anti-hero, whose mission is to democratize electronic music in a fun and pop way. He has notably been a guest of well known festivals such as Eurosonic, Marsatac, Rock EnSeine, Transmusicales, Loolapalooza, Pete The Monkey.
Single « Ouai », 2017 (Record Record).Ouai EP, 2018 (Global Warming Records).Ouai Ouai EP, 2019 (Global Warming Records).
Various artists « Future Was Like », 2020 (Global Warming Records).Drastic EP, avril 2020 (Global Warming Records).Ché Pa EP, juin 2020 (Global Warming Records).